Row of smiling people at a call center

Customer Service Representatives

Although the job of customer service representative, or customer service rep, is often considered an entry level position, that doesn’t mean that it is an easy one. Companies are realizing how crucial good customer service is to their continued success and sustainability, so it is important to find customer service reps that will exemplify the company positively.

What is customer service?

Young lady talking on a headset smiling

Customer service is supporting and serving the needs of customers through answering their questions, solving their problems, and guiding them through how to use a product or service. It requires that companies provide prompt and proactive support through a variety of channels including phone, email, chat, social media, online forums, and more.

Customer service is an essential part of a company’s success because it helps keep customers happy and loyal. Thanks to the internet, customers now have many options for products and services at their fingertips. If they aren’t happy with a product or they have a negative customer service experience, they can easily move on to another competitor. As many customers don’t hesitate to leave poor reviews about their negative experiences, companies have to be at the top of their customer service game to ensure customer satisfaction and retention as well as to increase brand reputation.

What skills does a customer service associate need?

Great customer service starts with the company, but it is imperative to have customer service associates who are knowledgeable and provide a positive personalized experience for each customer. Effective customer service reps must have a variety of both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are those that are necessary to complete a certain job that are gained through experience, training, or education, while soft skills refer to interpersonal skills or personality traits.

According to Salesforce, researchers have long been collecting data on customer service satisfaction and identified some examples of customer service skills that are the most important to have. These include persuasive speaking skills, empathy, adaptability, the ability to use positive language, clear communication skills, self-control, patience, effective listening and attentiveness, time management, a willingness to improve as well as to admit if they don’t have an answer for something, and adequate knowledge about the business to be able to answer questions and solve problems themselves. Customers get frustrated when they have to be passed on to multiple people because a rep doesn’t have enough knowledge or won’t take responsibility for finding a solution to their problem. The data also indicates that having a thick skin can be a valuable asset for those working in customer service. Some customers or issues are going to be difficult, so it is important for customer service reps to be able to shake off the anger, frustrations, or insults that can come their way and not take them personally. It is also important for a customer service associate to be proficient in the necessary types of technical skills for customer service. They are often using multiple screens with a variety of systems, and need to be able to navigate the technology expertly. This is especially true for those who are working remotely because they often don’t have an IT department or other support that is readily available to fix issues they might have.

Smiling redheaded man talking into a headset.

What is good customer service?

Line of people on phone last one smiling

With just a few keystrokes, customers now have a myriad of options for goods and services. Having effective customer service is a key part of a company’s success because it can set them apart from their competitors. Good customer service means responding to customer questions, complaints, and problems quickly and efficiently while meeting or, hopefully, exceeding their expectations. So what are some characteristics of good customer service?

Choosing an appropriate channel to communicate with customers is one component for companies to consider. Whether through phone calls, online forums, chats, emails, social media, or some other form, companies need to be able to converse with customers in a way that offers them the best customer service experience for their preferences and needs. Using a variety of these is called omnichannel support and leads to a higher satisfactory level of customer service. Using an omnichannel strategy generally leads to a more personalized experience and a quicker response than using just one channel, both of which are important for good customer service.

Another important characteristic is to take a customer-centric approach to business or, essentially, put the customer first. This doesn’t mean living by the old adage of “the customer is always right,” but it does mean that companies put customers at the core of their business in order to provide positive experiences and build long-term relationships. Having empathy for the customer and the problems they are having can go a long way in making customers feel important and valued, making them more likely to feel loyalty to a certain brand or company.

How do you describe customer service responsibilities?

As a job, customer service responsibilities involve addressing customer needs, whether it be through answering questions, guiding them through setup or instructions, or resolving issues that arise. All of this is done to ensure that customers have the best possible experience with your brand or company.

Young woman with brown hair talking into a headset

How would you describe your customer service skills?

Young woman smiling with headset

Customer service is not only a type of job, but also is a type of job skills that a person has. When describing customer service skill sets, this can include skills such as communication, active listening, empathy, patience, problem-solving, and attentiveness. When applying for jobs where customer service is a primary part of the job, it is important to give specific customer service skills examples. Include examples of both the soft skills you have, like detail-oriented and problem-solving, in addition to hard skills, like product knowledge or relevant technical skills for customer service.

What are the top 3 skills of customer service?

Clear communication skills, active listening, and knowledge are the top three skills of customer service and where companies need to focus their time in training their reps. Clear communication is important because customer service reps need to be able to break things down in such a way that the customer can understand it. This means they need to keep it simple and avoid using jargon that wouldn’t be familiar to the customer. Even though a customer service rep may hear the same questions and problems over and over again, they need to remain active listeners in order to personalize the experience for the customer and ensure they feel heard. Having up-to-date knowledge of the products and services is imperative for reps because it gives the customer more confidence in the answers and solutions they are given and improves their overall experience.

Blonde haired lady smiling with headset

What are 5 key customer service soft skills?

Man smiling talking on headset

Although there are many different soft skills that can be helpful for customer service reps, there are certain skills that are essential to their success.

    • Communication skills: Effective communication skills are key for reps to possess. Being able to converse and answer questions in a succinct and understandable way while actively listening to customers is a crucial part of a positive customer experience.
    • Personable: Reps who are polite, friendly, patient, and positive can oftentimes go a long way in turning a disgruntled customer into a happy one. Being able to express empathy and kindness when faced with a customer who is rude, angry, or even just confused can make a big difference in the way the customer feels afterwards.
    • Detail-oriented: Paying attention to the details and staying organized are necessary parts of having effective customer service. Being able to complete a task thoroughly while keeping repetitive questions to a minimum can help ease customer frustrations and result in a smoother, more efficient customer service experience.
    • Problem-solving: Being a good problem-solver is imperative for customer service reps because that is what they are essentially expected to do all day. They need to listen to and understand the customer’s issue, consider the possible solutions, determine the one that will result in the best outcome, and then follow through with what needs to be done. It is important that they find answers and solutions as quickly as possible in order to increase customer satisfaction.
    • Time management: This is a key customer service skill, especially for those who work remotely or in call centers. Many call centers use key performance indicators (KPIs) to determine the efficacy of their call center agents. They usually have goals for the length of call times and the number of calls they get through in a day. Customer service reps need to be able to stay on task and achieve as much as possible in a short amount of time, so having the ability to manage their time efficiently is absolutely necessary.

What are the qualities of a good customer service representative?

While hard skills can be taught, and soft skills can be honed and improved upon, there are just certain qualities of a good representative that are necessary for a person to possess in order to be successful in customer service. One such quality is a high emotional intelligence (EQ). Being able to recognize, understand, and manage the customer’s emotions, as well as their own, is key to great customer service. Having a high EQ helps customer service reps connect and build relationships with others, practice self-control, and manage stress as well as show empathy, patience, and kindness.  Another important quality is a positive attitude. Customer service can be a repetitive and draining job, so it is important to have reps that can continue to be friendly, upbeat, and outgoing even when faced with rude customers or the same questions and problems over and over again. Flexibility, adaptability, and problem-solving are other important qualities of a good representative because customer service reps are dealing with different types of customers and problems. They must be able to assess each customer and situation then quickly figure out the best possible avenues to give the customer a positive experience. Finally, clear communication skills are paramount when working in customer service to make sure the customer feels like they have been heard and understands what they are being told.

Woman taking notes

What are the roles and responsibilities of a customer service associate?

Lady with black hair smiling and talking into a headset

Customer service associates may have varying roles and responsibilities depending on the company, but their primary role is to interact with customers in order to assist them with their needs. This can be done by listening to and addressing their concerns, answering their questions, or providing information about a company’s products or services. Sometimes customer service associates are also expected to take orders, set up new accounts, or upsell a product or service. According to Glassdoor, the United States average for a customer service associate’s salary is $43,729 per year with an estimated total pay of $46,219, which allows for bonuses or other forms of extra pay.

What is the job description of a customer service representative in a call center?

Call centers refers to the team of specialists that field customer phone calls in order to provide support and answer questions about a company’s products or services. Call centers have evolved a lot over the years but especially during the last few years since the pandemic and the rise of remote work. And because of the advancement and increasing popularity of artificial intelligence, call centers will continue to change. However, at the heart of the call center are still the customer service agents that put in the time and hard work to support those customers that need help. Workable explains the call center representative job description as someone who takes inbound and makes outbound calls with customers. This is typically considered an entry level position, but call center teams can also include higher level positions such as managers, IT/technical support, and other customer service specialty roles.

People sitting in a row at a call center
Customer services answer call

Call center agent duties and responsibilities can vary but often include: responding to questions and concerns about products or services offered by the company, troubleshooting problems, following scripted readings about different topics, managing and meeting targets related to call times and quantities, and, in some instances, upselling products or services. The duties and responsibilities of call center agents can differ based on the company, as can the skills and experience that are required. Some companies will hire candidates with no previous experience, but many want someone who has customer service experience of some sort. People with experience in the hospitality or retail industries are often great candidates because customer service is a large part of those jobs. A minimum of a high school degree is often required, but certain companies prefer a college degree, especially for those looking to advance to higher level jobs within the company. Excellent listening and problem-solving skills, strong verbal communication, the ability to multitask, and effective time management are all desirable call center representative skills that lead someone to be successful in this role.