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20 Winning Tips to Rock Your Interview

You’ve landed an interview for a great job. Congratulations! But the interview is virtual. You don’t want to mess this up, but you have no idea how to prepare. Never fear, we’ve got your back.


In this Article

10 Ways to Prep Before a Virtual Interview

10 Tips for Success on the Day of Your Virtual Interview


The online interview is becoming a permanent fixture in the hiring process, well beyond the initial pandemic years. According to a recent survey, 82% of hiring managers continue to rely on virtual interviews, and candidates have adapted to this shift with ease. While the virtual format offers convenience, it also means you need to stand out in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Conducting an interview from the comfort of your home might feel more casual than an in-office meeting, but don’t let that fool you. Employers appreciate the efficiency of virtual interviews, as they can connect with more candidates across a broader geographic area. This convenience, however, also raises the stakes—it’s crucial to be as prepared for a virtual interview as you would be for an in-person one.

In a study by Harvard Business Review, candidates who appeared distracted, scripted, or disengaged in virtual interviews were far less likely to be hired. Your goal is to show up fully prepared and make a lasting impression.



  1. Research Your Interviewer: Start with a quick search on LinkedIn and Google. Look for professional achievements, shared interests, or common connections to mention during the interview. Engaging the interviewer on a personal level can make you more memorable and likable.
  2. Prepare Your Answers: Think about how you will respond to common interview questions, such as “Why do you want to work here?” Practice with a friend or in front of a mirror to reduce filler words and sound confident without being overly rehearsed.
  3. Have Your Resume Ready: Keep a printed copy of your resume on hand to reference during the interview. Highlight key accomplishments and metrics that align with the job description.
  4. Study the Job Description: Review the job listing thoroughly. It gives you clues about the skills and experiences the employer values most. Tailor your practice answers to these requirements.
  5. Organize Your Notes: Keep a one-page summary of key points you want to mention. Use headings and bullet points for easy reference but avoid reading directly from your notes.
  6. Research the Company: Go beyond the company’s website. Check out their social media profiles to get a sense of their culture and values. This will help you tailor your responses and questions.
  7. Prepare Your Questions: Plan thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer about the role, team dynamics, and company culture. This shows your interest and helps you assess if the company is a good fit for you.
  8. Time Zone Awareness: Double-check the interview time, especially if you’re in a different time zone from the interviewer. Being on time is crucial, and misunderstandings about time zones can lead to missed opportunities.
  9. Test Your Technology: Ensure your internet connection, webcam, and microphone are working properly. Platforms like Zoom or Teams are widely used, so familiarize yourself with their features. Conduct a test call with a friend to troubleshoot any issues.
  10. Set Up Your Space: Choose a quiet, well-lit location with a neutral background for your interview. Position your camera at eye level and use a light source in front of you to avoid appearing in shadow. If needed, invest in a ring light for optimal lighting.



  1. Perfect Your Environment: Ensure your interview space is clean and professional. Keep essential items like your resume and a glass of water within reach.
  2. Prevent Distractions: Inform housemates of your interview, secure pets, and silence your phone. Close windows to block out any disruptive noise.
  3. Dress Professionally: Dress as you would for an in-person interview. Solid colors work best on camera. Avoid busy patterns and opt for neutral tones to keep the focus on you, not your outfit.
  4. Check Your Tech Again: Log in 10 minutes early to check your internet connection, webcam, and microphone one last time. Ensure your computer is fully charged or plugged in.
  5. Close Unnecessary Tabs: Keep only the essential tabs open, like your portfolio or the job description. This minimizes distractions and makes screen sharing smoother if needed.
  6. Join the Meeting Early: Punctuality is key. Joining the meeting a few minutes early shows that you’re prepared and respectful of the interviewer’s time.
  7. Engage with the Camera: When speaking, look directly into the camera to simulate eye contact. This creates a more personal connection with the interviewer.
  8. Use Body Language: Sit up straight, nod, and smile as you listen. Use hand gestures naturally when speaking to convey enthusiasm and confidence.
  9. Connect with the Interviewer: Try to connect on a personal level. Mention a shared interest or something you noticed in their background. This can make you more memorable.
  10. Stay Calm if Disrupted: If interruptions occur, politely mute yourself, address the issue quickly, and refocus on the interview. Remaining calm under pressure demonstrates professionalism.


Many candidates overlook the importance of follow-up, but it’s a simple way to stand out. Send a thank-you email within 24 hours of your interview. Mention something specific from your conversation to personalize your note. This reinforces your interest in the role and keeps you top of mind for the hiring team.

Remember, the key to success in a virtual interview is preparation and professionalism. With these tips, you’ll be ready to make a strong impression and take the next step in your career.


PEG Staffing and Recruiting are experts at helping you find and land the job of your dreams. Explore our current job listings or connect with a recruiter to find your next opportunity.

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